Later, on a different show, the usual debate on taxes was raging and as regular as clock work, the idea for a FAIR tax was brought up and the usual debate soon followed suit.
I flashed back to something I heard on The Five, when Eric Bolling brought up Obamacare and the Democrat said and I paraphrase, “Its not FAIR that if you don't have insurance and go to the hospital, I have to pay for it.” (ca. 19 March, 2015). Mr. Bolling let a great opportunity pass, all he had to say, "Isn't our tax money paying for Obamacare? Medicaid?What's the difference?"
As I lit my second cigarette and half listened, I started thinking and that's hurts and is rather difficult for me with only two cups under my belt, “WHAT IS FAIR? Who determines JUST what is FAIR?”
Before my rant, let’s take a look at “FAIR”.
I figured it would be easier for readers to check my source if it were online instead of using an old fashion dictionary, so I looked up the meaning of FAIR.
The word FAIR is an interesting word. It can be used as a noun, an adverb, a verb or an adjective.
When it comes to minimum wage, taxes and every other Socialists Democrat talking point, the word FAIR is used as an adjective, so let’s look at those definitions:
1. Agreeing with what is thought to be right or acceptable
2. Treating people in a way that does not favor some over others
3. Not too harsh or critical
After reading and understanding the word FAIR, I turned to the Constitution and what it has to say about FAIR.
For those who haven't taken time or are too lazy to understand it, I'll remind you that the Constitution lays out WHAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CAN DO, so I'll save you some time, there is only one phrase in the Constitution that may be construed concerning FAIR; Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1:
“...; but all Duties, Imposts (something imposed or levied : tax...) and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States”
There is absolutely nothing concerning FAIR when it comes to a minimum wage, in fact there is nothing about the FEDERAL Government getting involved in what private businesses pay their employees. The same holds true when it comes to health care. Or basically anything else in a citizen's life.
In fact, even the much hated 16th Amendment:
“The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.”
Does not say anything about FAIR.
So. according to the Constitution, the Federal government has absolutely no authority in “Agreeing with what is thought to be right or acceptable”. But, the Constitution does authorize the Federal government to “treat people in a way that does not favor some over others” and “not too harsh or critical.” Yet it doesn't.
Yet, a minority of people will get out in the streets, riot and yell,”_______(fill in your own pet peeve) is not FAIR.” Is this minority determining or “agreeing with what is thought to be right or acceptable” for the rest of America.
If that's the case, then I as a minority of one can say, ”Its not FAIR that:
1. That America made a promise to my Brother & Sister Veterans, and BROKE it.
2. Peoples' hard earned money is taxed and used for things not authorized in the Constitution, i.e. welfare, medicaid, Obamacare.
3. Friends of mine, as well as many other Americans, have to work a full time job and then work part time jobs just to make ends meet; yet others, who are fairly capable of working, can sit at home and draw government handouts.
4. That a person is promoted, allowed to commit fraud and given special treatment, because of race or sex.
3. Friends of mine, as well as many other Americans, have to work a full time job and then work part time jobs just to make ends meet; yet others, who are fairly capable of working, can sit at home and draw government handouts.
4. That a person is promoted, allowed to commit fraud and given special treatment, because of race or sex.
I could go on, but I fully realize that like beauty, what's FAIR is in the eye of the beholder, so before you yell and cry “That's not fair” ask yourself:
Is it FAIR that a person who HAS worked hard to achieve success, did just about everything that America expected and finally earned the privilege to live and use his hard earned “wealth” anyway that person desires and not be demonized, called names, or be degraded? Isn't this the type of propaganda that Socialists/Communists used and are using to take over a country?
Only in a Socialist country that is on the road to Communism is it FAIR for a small group of people or politicians to determine what a person can do with their own money, what they can say, what they can eat or what they can buy (Some will say that the government doesn't control what you can buy. To them, I say, "Can you buy an incandescent light bulb?)?
How soon will it be that a small group will determine whether a person should work in an office or on the factory floor, no matter the knowledge or skill, because it is FAIR?
Why should a group of elected politicians who are more concern with their own power than what's right for ALL the people.
"I stand for the square deal. But when I say that I am for the square deal, I mean not merely that I stand for fair play under the present rules of the game, but that I stand for having those rules changed so as to work for a more substantial equality of opportunity and of reward for equally good service."...Theodore Roosevelt (August 31,1910)
What do you think? Let me know.
Thanks to my "Brain Trust", Igor & the Riceman for their assistance.