Reference Library

2016 Congressional Pig Book

Address of the General Council

American Socialism

Article 4  of  Constitution - Full Faith & Credit

Constitution of the United States - Analysis and Interpretation - Centennial Ed.

DHS - Rightwing Extremism (2009)


  1. If you would be so kind please tell me why you prefer the Gideon Edition of the Federalist Papers

    1. Sorry, I didn't see your comment, I wasn't notified that it was here.
      As Madison said, "
      “The true distribution of the numbers of the Federalist among the three writers is . . . the Edition . . . of Gideon. It was furnished to him by me, with a perfect knowledge of
      its accuracy, as it related to myself, and a full confidence in
      its equal accuracy as it relates to the two others.”
      James Madison
      Undated Memorandum
      Library of Congress

      It was published in 1818, before the "modernizing" Read the Original Preface.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
