Wednesday, April 22, 2015

In the Hour of the Wolf – And Wondering What the Hell has Happened

After another sleepless night, I stumbled from the bedroom, turned the coffee on to brew and sat down on the sofa. I reached for the remote, turned on the television and as usual for this hour of the morning on FOX, reruns of the various “talking heads”.

As I watched, sipping the first of what will be many cups of coffee, the “talking head” begins with the lead story concerning the police shooting in South Carolina.

Now, I'm a very strong, almost fanatical supporter of law enforcement officers BUT in this case, I have to admit and say the officer was WRONG and the city officials did the right thing. HOWEVER, does this satisfy the “race pimps”, the Al Sharptons, those who, as Greg Gutfeld said, “See everything through the prism of racism”, NO!

There are lies, damned lies and statistics.”...Mark Twain

Instead of praising the city officials for their quick action, the race baiters cry “racism” by citing statistics saying, that “because the police force is mostly white patrolling a community that has high black population and most of the traffic stops are majority black, the police are racist.” Well, DUH! If you live in a community that has large number of blacks, then a large number of blacks may be stopped for traffic violations. The same would hold true in a largely white neighborhood, the majority of traffic stops will be white. Racism, NO, good policing, YES.

Then the subject of “recruiting” more blacks for the police force comes up.

Just like the military, IF a person is not qualified by education, police record or most importantly has the desire to serve, then what is a police force to do? Lower the standards? Wouldn't that just add to the problem?

As usual, the tax cheat Al Sharpton takes the stage with the usual bullchit about racist police officers, just like he did in the Twana Brawley case, Zimmerman case and of course Ferguson. BUT this time he, along with Mayor De Blasio, really showed their communist colors when he called for “..."there must be a national law on policing"because "it not only protects the citizens, it protects thepolice,” as Mayor De Blasio nodded in agreement.”

No one asks the most important question, just where in the Constitution does it allow the federal government to pass any law concerning a state's policing? Or as in the past, will the states abdicate their rights to the federal government?

What the hell has happened?

Commercial break, another cup of coffee, back in time for the next segment.

The segment begins with a sound bite from one of the conservative candidates for president and just as regular as the sun coming up, the usual “debate” between the “talking head”, a conservative and a socialist democrat takes place with the democrat attempting to talk over the conservative and the “talking head”. Finally, the “talking head” takes charge, spouting the usual and much deserved Obama and democrat bash fest and ends up with the usual Pollyanna outlook for 2016.

What the hell has happened?

Commercial break, another cup of coffee and as a “talking head” drones on, its time to go on line.

After scanning the news, I sign on to twitter.

After posting a “pearl of wisdom”, I turn to acknowledging and saying, “Thank you” to new followers, I look over the past tweets to see what my great followers are talking about.

As I read over the tweets, I read the usual and continuing complaints about the out of control government and the so called "conservative do nothing congress" and just as usual I see the Pollyanna outlook for the 2016 election and the usual division between people on the various candidates and the various “plans” and promises to return America to the principles of our Founding Fathers.

What the hell has happened?

I fully realize that these are just a few examples of me wondering “What the hell has happened”, but I have come to realize, PEOPLE really don't want to know or don't want to believe what the hell has happened.

I'll tell them anyway, COMMUNISM HAS HAPPENED.

America is as close to socialism as Marx outlined in the Manifesto of the Communist Party or the Socialist Party Platform of 1908, that frankly I wonder how much longer it will be before our freedom is completely gone.

Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.”...Sun Tzu

I am not going to rehash some of the principles of socialism from my earlier posts to show why I feel this way, in the hope that people will learn and realize why America is in the shape we are in today. I will also provide a list of references at the end of this post for those who have an open mind and the desire to learn. For “those who don't have time”, Sorry about that, suffer in ignorance with the rest of the sheeple and continue complaining.

Now, there will be those Pollyannas out there that will tell me I'm wrong.

They will tell me that its not too late. They will strongly tell me, “we can straighten out America's course, bring America back to the ideals of our Founding Fathers.”

Then there will be some who will even say that I'm giving up, that I'm surrendering to the unpleasant fate.

Let's get the accusation of quitting out of the way first.


Now to address the Pollyannas.

Caesar, too, helped the people, but they lost their liberty to him.

Please explain to me and America how one or two presidential elections or even a conservative take over of both houses of congress will straighten out America?

I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One after signing the War on Poverty. [1]

Remember, the President proposes and congress disposes. 

Remember as well, every two years the House is elected and it is the house that “supposedly” controls the purse, so if a conservative House AND the Senate do pass laws that limit spending, particularly on welfare, medicaid, Obamacare or school spending, and the bill is signed into law by the conservative President; How long will it take for the socialists progressives to start claiming that conservatives do not care whether people starve on the streets or die in the gutters? Unfortunately, the generations of greedy lazy American people, who have changed the unconstitutional welfare safety net into a life style will believe them and work hard to vote the conservatives out of office. Just look at history.

"To accomplish this [sic Socialism] we want to make use of our political liberty and take possession of the public powers"....Victor Berger, “American Socialism”, 1898.

How long will it take for conservative state governors or in some cases mayors to be voted out of office if they were to refuse federal money for things like schools, police, fire, medicaid or other unconstitutional use of federal tax dollars?

Is this not very similar to “The government shall also loan money to States and municipalities without interest for the purpose of carrying on public works. It shall contribute to the funds of labor organizations for the purpose of assisting their unemployed members, and shall take such other measures within its power as will lessen the widespread misery of the workers caused by the misrule of the capitalist class.” (Socialist Party Platform of 1908).

I realize that there may be some out there who will say, “Just about everyone pays federal taxes to Washington, why shouldn't those that are “richer” and live in “wealthier” states help pay for schools and other “entitlements” in the less prosperous states.” Isn't this a “redistribution of wealth”? Just asking.

Let's look at federal funding for schools as an example of states abdicating their responsibility and powers to central control by the federal government.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Tenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution

FIRST and most importantly, there is nothing written in the Constitution that authorizes the federal government to use tax money for local schools or even police, etc. for that matter.

The federal funding for schools became law in 1965 when the The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was passed as part of Johnson's War on Poverty. That “war” has worked out real well, hasn't it? The ESEA ended up being one of the most far-reaching pieces of federal legislation ever to affect education ever passed by Congress. This would eventually lead to the establishment of Department of Education (DoEd) in 1979, thus the take over of what use to be the sole responsibility of the states was completed and the people just slept through it.

Since the DoEd is part of the Executive Branch, the POTUS has tyrannical control of any funding for schools and as we have seen with Boo Boo, if the POTUS wants to abuse his “power”, he will.

The sad part about this takeover is when the states accepted this “free” federal money, the states abdicated their power and the sheeple allowed it by electing ANYONE at the national and local level who promises to give them free stuff, like “free community college”. Isn't this reminiscent of “Free education for all children in public schools...” (Manifesto of the Communist Party and a plank in the Platform of Socialist Party, 1908.)

Since the states abdicated their responsibility for local schools to the federal government, this gave the federal government centralized power to control education. Can you say, “Common Core.”

Can't happen? For those who are old enough to remember:

Using the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, congress passed the National Maximum Speed Law which set the speed to 55 mph on all roads and the states HAD to agree to this if they desired to receive federal funding for highway repair. President Nixon signed The Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act on January 2, 1974, and it became effective 60 days later.

Now, everyone should agree that when it comes to the FEDERAL road system as stated in the Art. 1, Section 8, Clause 7, the FEDERAL government can refuse funding to states that don't enforce speed limits on federal roads, BUT on state roads? Is this not reminiscent of “collective ownership of railroads, telegraphs, telephones, steamship lines and all other means of social transportation and communication.” (Again the Manifesto of the Communist Party and a plank in the Platform of Socialist Party, 1908.)

Socialism is what the hell has happened.

SECOND, just where in the hell in the Constitution is it written that the FEDERAL government should dictate what wages a PRIVATE company should pay their workers?

THIRD, Where is it written in the Constitution that the POTUS can TAKE a state's land and restrict/prohibit exploration natural resources. Is this not, “Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.” Or is it “The extension of the public domain to include mines, quarries, oil wells, forests and water power” or “The scientific reforestation of timber lands, and the reclamation of swamp lands. The land so reforested or reclaimed to be permanently retained as a part of the public domain.” (Another example from the Manifesto of the Communist Party and a plank in the Platform of Socialist Party, 1908.)

And the REALLY sad part is that the people and states allow it.

SOCIALISM is what the Hell has happened.

FINALLY and definitely not last at the Federal level, again I must ask, just WHERE in the hell is it written in the Constitution that congress, particularly the House, has the authorization to abdicate its duty under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 to the Executive Branch. I could go into any number of cabinet level departments but I would be here for a very long time, instead I will cite just one example for now.

The Federal Communications Commission which was established in 1934 to “to regulate interstate communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories” by working towards “six goals in the areas of broadband, competition, the spectrum, the media, public safety and homeland security.” Again is this not the same as “The collective ownership of railroads, telegraphs, telephones, steamship lines and all other means of social transportation and communication.

Now, I have shown just some of the socialist's ideas and policies that have been put in place over the past century, although some cabinet positions were established before, but if one notices, some of these early cabinet position seem to have some utopian socialist ideas imbedded when they were proposed.

So, to all of you Pollyannas out there, I will be waiting for answers how do we stop Socialism in one or two elections? BUT before you answer, I have one final question:

Can you purchase an incandescence light bulb?

Semper Fi!

Once again, I must thank my brain trust, Igor & the Riceman

1. Kessler, Ronald, Inside The White House, Blackstone Audiobooks, Inc.; Unabridged edition (April 1, 2008).

Some Past Posts on Socialist Destruction of America

1st Amendment (4 part Series)