Friday, January 9, 2015

Adding Insult to America's Broken Promises: Targeting Veterans for Back Door Gun Registration

PERSONAL NOTE: To all of those who regularly follow my rants particularly when it comes to calling out the hypocrisy of those who use the the continuing scandal of the Veterans Administration to get more time in the spotlight and then fade away having achieved absolutely nothing, I APOLOGIZE for the appearance that I was one of those BUT during December, I was a major sickbay commando. To use an old saying, "I was hard down." I may not be 100%, but I am back!

The Clown in Chief could not take time out of his "busy" campaign schedule to visit those who sacrificed so that he could be elected by the sheeple to destroy America as Obama dodged a reminder of the veterans’ health-care scandal this week by driving by the Carl Hayden VA medical center in Phoenix, which was at the heart of last year's scandal that ONCE AGAIN drew attention to the years old America's broken promise to those of us, past and present, who put our lives on hold to defend the Freedoms of America that the sheeple have taken for granted, without stopping.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Mr. Obama had no plans to visit the Phoenix VA, and instead will give a speech about the housing industry’s recovery.

NOW the Department of Veterans Affairs is adding insult to the many scandals of not honoring America's promise and commitments to the Vets by offering free gun locks to veterans IF veterans provide details on the number of guns they own and their home address which is raising concerns about a government-run gun registry.

Some veterans have received a form letter in recent days from the VA offering gun locks if they return a completed form listing their name, address and number of guns in the home.

As your partner in healthcare, we are committed to keeping you and your family safe,” states the letter, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times. “Gun locks have been shown to greatly reduce death and injury caused by firearms in the home. If you own a gun, we hope you will request and use a gun lock.

The letter said agency officials “hope to reach all our veterans with this offer.” The VA said it will mail the locks to the address provided by a veteran.

One veteran who received the letter said it raises concerns about “a gun registry in disguise.” (YOU THINK?...OM)

“Young soldiers are already notoriously reluctant to admit any problems with post-traumatic stress disorder,” said the veteran, who asked to remain anonymous.

“Imagine the effect if the average 23-year-old private … back from Iraq, already reluctant to ask for help … is now hearing rumors that if he seeks help from the VA for sleeplessness, PTSD, nightmares, etc., Big Brother is going take his guns away? Now young veterans will really avoid asking for help,” the veteran said.

The letter about gun locks obtained by the Times was signed by Daniel Hendee, director of the VA medical center in Philadelphia.

A VA spokesman in Washington said he was not aware of such an effort and could not provide further comment immediately. (Does anyone REALLY expect anything else from the District of Corruption?...OM)

Last month, an ex-Marine who was being treated for various health issues through the Philadelphia VA office shot and killed six family members before taking his own life.

And on Tuesday, an incident at the VA clinic in El Paso, Texas, resulted into two deaths — the gunman and a victim. However authorities released no information Tuesday night on who the shooter was, his motive, or whether it was a murder-suicide or he was killed by security forces.

In both cases, how would gun locks prevent these tragedies, IF the gunmen owned the weapons?

A couple of questions Patriotic Americans should ask

First and most importantly: Are the Socialists who are now controlling our country attempting to demonize America's veterans as they have our police officers by using the propaganda of the 1960's, where all returning veterans are "crazed" killers and right wing extremists.

Second: Is this an attempt not only for federal gun registration, but to use the Brady bill to deny gun ownership to veterans, as in the case of Pat Kirby:

"The Brady Act does not, in fact, allow a person like Pat to be denied gun ownership rights. The VA, and, apparently, the Federal government, are using the section about being 'adjudicated a mental defective' to illegally deny men like Pat Kirby the rights he fought for during his 37 months in Vietnam. The key word, there, is 'adjudicated.' A finding by the VA that someone is incompetent to handle his money is not an adjudication. To adjudicate something is to hear and settle a case by judicial procedure. This is not a judicial procedure--it is a finding by bureaucrat who is not a mental health professional. This is something that needs to be resolved by litigation because what the VA is doing is illegal and unconstitutional."

Third: Why should anyone trust the VA with ANY personal data considering that two years after a major security breach compromised the personal information of over 4,000 veterans, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) continues to suffer from systemic “security weaknesses,” according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

Finally: Who knows more about weapons handling and safety then our military and veterans? 

Semper Fi and REMEMBER Gun Control is an Assault on Your God Given Rights

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